Child Dedications
Child dedications are a public declaration from you, the parents, that you intend to raise your child to know and serve God. Child dedications often occur when the child is an infant but may also take place at any time in a child’s life.
When you sign up, we will reach out to schedule a one-on-one meeting with you so that we can come to know you and to discuss the following topics:
- A walk-through of Bible verses and passages that demonstrate dedication.
- Encouragement of parents in understanding their God-given roles.
- An overview of each step of the dedication liturgy and how the liturgy may be reflected in your home.
Upcoming Child Dedication Dates:
2024: October 6, Dec. 1
2025: February 9, March 16, May 11, June 15, August 31, September 28, and November 30
If you have questions, please email Katharine Sanchez at KSanchez@newlifechurch.org.